In the faced-paced lives of full-time working-persons, there’s hardly any time for them to maintain a healthy meal and activity schedule, in and out of job sites. While the timing…
With the digital intervention, a customer walks into a restaurant with an acquired knowledge and assumption. With the variety of services offered currently, customers are always leaning towards an informed…
The restaurant industry is more than just a physical business and therefore establishments and eateries need an effective mobile app for management. Apart from the ambiance and food, restaurants also…
Building an app requires you to make a lot more executive decisions than you might have prepared for. One of the biggest questions most businesses will overlook is which type…
Over the last couple of decades, digitalization has had a huge impact on every industry sector as well as on consumer behavior. The switch to digital technology may have seemed…
In today’s age, some of the biggest news is relegated to corporate fraud. Unfortunately, it isn’t only the larger software developers like Theranos and Kingfisher who indulge in corporate fraud….
The term CRM (customer relationship management) software brings to mind solutions like Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and SAP. They are enterprise CRM platforms with advanced features. But your company may not…
Mobile phones have become ubiquitous these days and people use them for just about all purposes. Some old-fashioned individuals are still hanging to their basic phones, but mobile app developers…
If your website design project seems a little bland, the missing element could be lack of enough contrast. To elaborate, contrast is important because it offers differentiation between aspects and…
App developers are set for a boom time as the mobile app market is predicted to rake in revenues of about $189 billion by 2020 through app stores and in-app…