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Being connected throughout the day, being responsive to your customers, providing guidance or assistance to the website visitors; modern businesses have come under a lot of pressure to deal with customer demands in the age of the internet. A small issue with any electronic device such as computers, or networks, can build a considerable amount of pressure in your operations.

Identifying and fixing problems isn’t good enough for modern businesses anymore, especially considering the downtime consumed in fixing issues and setting up again. The only way modern businesses can match up to serving their consumers optimally is taking the help of managed IT service providers.

What Exactly are Managed IT Services and Why Are They Relevant?

By definition, any type of managed services are operational functionalities of any business that are outsourced to a service provider to handle. Similarly, managed IT services are IT services that are monitored, operated, and assumed responsibility by an IT service provider, for a business. 

With the dawn of digitization, maximum functions of any business are digitized, in the form of databases, electronic devices, applications, websites, and much more. The “break-fix” approach doesn’t work efficiently in today’s era, especially in the IT domain. You can no longer wait to avail the services of a service provider when something “breaks” and they “fix” it.

The idea of managed service providers is to be present before any problem arises. They are more of a “present” entities rather than “react” ones. Their job is to prevent any issues pertaining to the IT operations of a business. Their job is to monitor and implement solutions on the go, and be available to the business availing their services to provide optimum support in their area of expertise.

Having a managed service provider (MSP) is basically having access to an entire IT department on the go, for any support that your business needs in the IT domain. With regular updates, new & better software releasing almost regularly, new types of threats, updated compliances, and much more, it becomes very imperative that businesses partner up with managed IT service providers, as they are experts in the domain, and can adapt & implement seamlessly with the regular market shifts.

How to Choose The Right Managed Service Provider?

Now that you’re aware about the relevance of MSPs, let’s see how you should choose your managed IT service provider in Dubai

Vet Skills and Experience

All service providers come with a big portfolio of all the tasks they’ve executed in the past. While that is important, it is also wise and important to vet their skills in the task you might have lined up for them. Asking questions about specific skill sets, scalability, support methods, their approaches to handling IT operations, etc., to properly assess their skills and experience. Go beyond the traditional “break-fix” questions, and actually test how they respond to situations relevant to the services you require.

Willingness to Collaborate and Consistency

Any MSP that isn’t willing to collaborate with your venture and wants full control of the IT services cannot be trusted. The MSP should be willing to take inputs and feedback from you to make the process seamless and transparent. Moreover, while checking their portfolio, you should also keep a close eye to their rate of success or CSAT scores to assess if their services are consistent or not.

24/7 Availability (Remote or On-Site)

IT operations are very crucial in any business. Hence, the MSP should be committed to being responsive and providing the services round the clock, so there are no operational delays in your business. Some service providers charge an extra amount for on-site visits or are available only a certain time of the day/night. This is why MSPs have become so relevant for modern businesses as their services offer convenience and assurity, which streamlines the operations of the businesses availing their services.

Should be Proficient in Multi-Vendor and Multi-Device Setting

The true mark of efficiency from any MSP can be observed by their expertise in different types of software, devices, management systems, etc. Modern businesses have many different types of devices from different vendors, and designing an effective support plan for all of them can be an indicator of how good the MSP is.

About ParamInfo

ParamInfo is one of the most revered managed IT service providers in Dubai and has an extensive portfolio of serving personalized client requirements with effective results. Contact us today, and learn more about our managed IT service offerings for improving your modern business infrastructure.